Thursday 4 March 2010

David De Rothschild and Crew Unveil the Finished Plastiki

Made from 12,500 reclaimed plastic bottles, the recycled srPET is a strong, bouyant material. The mast is made from reclaimed aluminum irrigation pipe and the sail is hand-made from reycled PET as well. To top it off, the secondary bonding is reinforced using a newly developed organic glue made from cashew nuts and sugar cane. It's a very green boat, and its credentials don't stop with the construction. (more)

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Swansea company builds homes from recycled plastic

A company is building homes made from 18 tonnes of recycled waste plastic.
Affresol, of Swansea, has developed technology to build low carbon houses from the plastic and minerals.
The firm, backed by Welsh Assembly Government money, has launched a range of eco-friendly homes and four-tonne modular portable buildings. (more)